Wellness Tips

tree of life tattoo., meaning, celtic, tattoos
Healthie Yoo

Tree of Life Tattoo

Here is the Tree of Life Tattoo meaning, symbolism, design and interpretations. Celtic tree of life tattoos and other designs. What comes to your mind

PRP therapy
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PRP Therapy – How Platelets Aid in Healing

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is gaining popularity in the medical field for its remarkable healing properties. But what exactly is PRP, and how does it

Is water wet?, is water wet or dry, wetness, physics
Healthie Yoo

Is Water Wet? The Wetness Conundrum

Is water wet? The question of whether water is wet has intrigued minds and sparked numerous debates over the years and has been a subject

Am I hungry or thirsty, foods with high water content, water, dehydration and weight loss
Dorcia Hart

Am I Hungry Or Thirsty?

Am I hungry or thirsty? Read to know why our bodies tell us we are hungry when we are really thirsty, what foods with high

Elta MD Tinted Sunscreen, Woman, Alastin Hydratint, Hat, Sunglasses, Sun Protection
Mara Dacso

Sun Protection This Summer And Year Round

Here are the strategies for protection from the sun by a board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mara Dacso including selecting a good tinted sunscreen such as Alastin

Healthy person, healthy lifestyle, young woman, girl, lunge
Abha Agarwal

What does a healthy person look like?

What does a healthy person look like? Who is a healthy person? What are the characteristics of a healthy person? Before we look into it,

calorie count, health mistakes
Dietitian Mac Singh & Sahil Bansal

6 Health Mistakes Fit People Make

You have seen a plethora of before and after transformation pictures. There are so many fitness freaks or people sharing their inspiring journeys. But no

health a thought of by and for, meditation, yoga, woman-4272890.jpg
Jayachandran Thampi

Health – a Thought Of, By & For…

What is Health? Health, a thought of, by and for. Health   Health is generally defined as a Balance in various dimensions from physical to

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